
Not enough sleep...

I woke about an hour before the alarm went off and lay in bed for 45 minutes trying to get a few precious minutes of sleep. Have you ever noticed how hard it is to sleep once you start to imagine the worst possible outcome to every aspect of your life? Here are just a few of the questions that I perused while tossing and turning this morning:
  1. What if my kids both grow up to be leeches that live with me the rest of my life, instead of becoming rich and buying me a house on the beach?
  2. What if my wife runs off with her best friend?
  3. What if I can't find any clean socks while I'm getting ready for work?
  4. What if I can't make the deadlines on the 87 things that I've committed to at work?
  5. What if my zipper is down and I make an ass of myself in front of the leadership team during my presentation?
  6. What if my zipper is not down and I still make an ass of myself in front of the leadership team during my presentation?
  7. What if I start blogging when I finally get out of bed, thereby wasting precious time that could be spent looking for socks?

All kidding aside, that was one hour that I would rather spent sleeping...Strorg


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